Neytiri is growing so fast, she will hardly be a kitten when she arrives in the UK in Feb.
Neytiri is a bundle of energy. She plays non stop.
Long and Lean Neytiri F-2 silver Savannah at 7 months is going through a lanky stage.
He also pretty much took over the vet's office on monday we were there an extra hour so everyone in the office could meet him. Dr Spindel examined Otis and said he was the best example of a f1 savannah he has seen- in any case Otis is doing well and very happy.
Oh my. Billy is everything we ever hoped for in an F1 and more. He's beautiful--he has ridiculously long legs, dark black round spots, HUGE ears with clear ocelli, and the most precious face I've ever seen on a kitten. At 13 weeks old he's almost as tall as our pocket Savannah, Edie!
Oh my gosh, we are thrilled! Billy is 100% integrated into our family, already.
Randy and I just were saying that if we ever want another Savannah, your human imprinted F1s are the only ones for us.
and still that angelic face!
Her first day in her new home
I believe she is comfortable in her new home and is doing great!
More first day
She has grown quite a bit and in a few weeks will be eating adult food. We're going to give her the Iams weight food as you suggested.
Athena gets prettier everyday
I took the picture last week as she was sneaking up to the patio screen to see the wild turkeys eating corn in the yard. Her eyes are so intense!
Billy and his new Savannah Family
Isis is home now with Denise in IN
Otis is doing GREAT! He is growing long fast he has been a very good addition to our family - not only is he funny and smart, but he gets along well with our dog.