I hope this note finds you and yours well; I wanted to give you an update on ‘our’ Girl. She recovered nicely from her recent ‘procedure’ (getting spayed); we even made a deal so that she didn’t have to wear the ‘cone of shame’ while things healed up. She continues to grow at a rapid pace; I weighed her @ just over 7lbs the other day. Personality wise she’s still a sweetheart. While she’d prefer to spend most of her time exploring there’s always a point at which she comes back to place herself as close to me as possible (note the Spider Man towel in the pics!). The Whippets are still infatuated with her; she’s slowly spending more time on their side of the main floor (the other side of the baby gate). She definitely has let them both know that she’s the Alpha amongst them.
Her fur is getting long! Her tail especially is quite impressive; she uses it to great effect with it wrapped around her legs when she sits. As you can see from the pics…she’s quite striking.