Looks like she was posing to show her savannah spots here.
What a precious Savannah face.
Just looking for someone to love her.
Spots, Spots and More savannah spots
What a sweet little savannah face
This savannah girl has great spots.
On the go now
So many spots so little time!
This Mau boy is Mr Personality
So many Egyptian Mau spots!!!!
This Mau girl is perfect in every way.
Stunning spots she will be a real beauty!
We decided not to get her declawed and opting for frequent trimmings instead...she's been pretty good with the furniture, but no toilet paper roll is safe!
Anya's amazing, we enjoy her so much! She's one spunky kitty! I know this is super silly, but we made her an instagram page, if you ever get on that site... Anya_The_Savannah
She's been doing great, loving being outside in a harness and getting a little bigger everyday.
Growing fast little Maxwell just scoots around now.