Nile would like her mom and as you can tell they like my desk. Let me know how would you proceed?Nile is patiently waiting her cute mommyhanks for everything agree has to be before thanksgiving so you don't get hammered.
He is really growing now, a little over 14 lbs.He has quite the personality and is incredibly curious about everything that is going on. We had our plumber and furnace guys in this past week to do service work before winter sets in and they both said he was in the middle of everything they were doing. He even climbed into the plumbers tool box and was pulling out stuff and dragging it across the floor. I've also taught him to fetch. I can throw his toy almost anywhere and he goes and gets it and brings it back to me. He lays it down beside me, I can't get him to put it in my hand yet. He will only do it for me which aggravates my husband to no end.
Little Sidney, Silver Egyptian Mau, sports some great spots!
Sidney says Why do you keep poking that camera in my face?
Ra, Silver Egyptian Mau, is always in the middle of everything.
Ra has more spots than stars in the night!
Silkie, Silver Egyptian Mau is way to busy playing to stop for pictures.
Cuter by the day, little Silkie is a sweetheart.
This little smoke Egyptian Mau guy just keeps getting better!
This little boy maybe smoke in color but he is a fireball at heart!
On his first day home after he got tired of playing, he just wanted to snuggle!
Ra had a great first day home!
She is watching Tom. As you can see she is not nervous. She did fine in the car. She did get sick but slept most of the time. Wide open since she got home. She should sleep good tonight because she has to be tired. We are definitely being entertained. And she plays with all the toys and climbs on her trees.
This is the first sec Silkie has been still enough to get a picture. The others are a blur with her running around. Tom is still a little scared of her. She just moves too fast for him. He has been so gentle with her. Hopefully they are going to get along. She was scared of him only for a very short time. She let him know who is boss. He weighs 16 lbs but Silkie has no problem with his size.
Finally sleepy! Almost a lap cat. Not bad for first day.
Zaza's new pal!
Zaza and her BFF.
Zaza has a new toy!
Took 2 days but finally a lap cat. She was just too busy to sit. Played so hard she is finally tired. Sweet girl.
Baby it's Cold Outside! :) she loves laying under blankets being warm... Soooo this should keep her cozy!!