Growing like a weed this girl will be a wonderful new family member.
Still angelic!
What an angelic face!
Daisey - smoke Egyptain Mau female will be going with her brother Duke to Camille and Joe's in NY
Cute as a button Dexter is a real sweetie.
Isis a silver Egyptain Mau has an extremely clear coat and is almost crystaline in appearance.
Duke can't figure out were Daisey went.
Another birthday picture of Ramses
Daisy, Smoke Egyptian Mau female, on her cat tree
Growing Fast Daisey is the "character" of the litter
What a pretty boy!
Just opening her eyes, Isis, silver Egyptain Mau female is going to be beautiful!
Hi It's Kelsey, Ramses' owner. Today Ramses turns 1 year old. We had a party for him and his cake was a spoonful of canned tuna. You should have seen him go after that stuff! He really loves fish. Here are some recent pics of him so you can see how much he's grown since last December when we got him. He's not a little scrap of fur and bones anymore!! (As you can see, he likes being in small spaces, like a basket or bowl!)
Luke Bronze Egyptain Mau Male is going to live with Randy and Vicky in Washington
This sweet baby is going to live with Dr. Dee in CA
This little Bronze Egyptian Male has exceptional spots
Growing fast this little guy is really special
Great spots for a tiny kitten!
Starting to explore now Cairo, silver male Egyptain Mau will be a wonderful addition to Michael and Kelly's home