Images tagged "egyptian-mau" Jasmine is a beautiful little baby girl Egyptian Mau. She will be a superior pet and a fabulously spotted family member. Baast, Silver Egyptian Mau, and her sister are indistinguishable at this age. Little Baast, silver Egyptian Mau female is a medium dark spotted girl with great contrast. Who can resist the precious face of little Baast a newborn Egyptian Mau. She will be going to live with Amy and family in South Carolina. This precious little Silver Mau is going to Alison in Alabama where he will be her Foundation sire in a new Egyptian Mau breeding program. I love little kittens at this age. They are just opening their eyes and are just becoming aware of people. This beautiful silver Egyptian Mau girl is growing well and will soon have her eyes open to take in her world. Baast, Silver Egyptian Mau and one of her sisters look so much alike I have trouble telling them apart. They are both beautifully marked. 10 days old this little Egyptian Mau boy is just opening his eyes. With beautiful contrast this Egyptian Mau boy will be a stunning adult. Argent, Silver Egyptian Mau, does not look too happy meeting one of her Mom's Sphynx cats. This girl has beautiful contrast and is sure to be a fabulously spotted adult. Little Jasmine, silver Egyptian Mau female is a dark beauty and has great spots. WHAT!!!! Jasmine resents being followed with a camera. She just wants to explore. Baast(on the Right) and her sister Margo, Silver Egyptian Mau Female, are almost identical. Up and moving Baast, silver Egyptian Mau female, is to busy to be still for pictures. Little Margo, silver Egyptian Mau female, is just too cute. Simply irresistible! Little Margo, Egyptian Mau Silver female, is a joy to watch. Shown here at 10 days the beautiful silver Egyptian Mau female will soon open her eyes. Jasmime has a great profile with lovely dark lines from her eyes. [Show slideshow]◄ 1 ... 30 31 32 ... 50 ►